New Release: Hunt the Straight Path Home

New Release: Hunt the Straight Path Home

Abundance Books introduces its latest literary offering, “Hunt the Straight Path Home,” a captivating fiction novel authored by Rebekah Binkley Montgomery. Set against the rustic backdrop of rural Rockford, Ohio, in 1916, this compelling narrative embarks readers on an immersive journey of faith, resilience, and self-discovery.

The protagonist, Eliza, grapples with profound challenges following the heartbreaking loss of her mother despite fervent prayers for healing. As she navigates through the upheaval of her shattered dreams and newfound responsibilities, Eliza’s encounters and trials test the very fabric of her beliefs and convictions.

Rebekah Binkley Montgomery, the author behind “Hunt the Straight Path Home,” remarks, “Eliza’s odyssey serves as a poignant reminder of the human spirit’s capacity for resilience and growth. Through her trials, she unearths the essence of her own faith and finds the courage to forge her straight path home.”

Set amidst the backdrop of World War 1, “Hunt the Straight Path Home” intricately weaves themes of love, loss, and redemption into its narrative tapestry. From Eliza’s poignant encounters with a beloved suitor to her unexpected union with a mysterious stranger, the novel offers a gripping exploration of the human experience.

Beyond its enthralling storyline, “Hunt the Straight Path Home” delves into contemporary issues such as faith, unanswered prayers, and societal challenges, including abortion, sexual harassment, and the exploitation of children. Through Eliza’s transformative journey, readers are invited to contemplate their own beliefs and values, making this novel a compelling book club choice.

“Hunt the Straight Path Home” is the inaugural installment of a planned five-book series. Readers eagerly await the release of book two, scheduled to debut in Winter 2024.


Angry with God, young Eliza yearns to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse, against her father’s strong will. Through her giftedness for turning-a-phrase, author Rebekah Montgomery brings to life her ever-intriguing characters following their life-battles, especially those of Eliza who is determined to follow her dreams inspire of the obstacles she faces. The suspenseful twists and turns pull you, making it difficult to take a break. You will crave a sequel!

L. Wilson

I thought I had read it all, but this is unique, compelling, and at times surprising. At one point I gasped aloud – scaring my husband. There are so many twists and turns – with important issues to discuss and think about along the way. I think this would be great for a book club to discuss how those issues are still relevant today.
By the end of the book, I was ready for the sequel. Can’t wait!

T. Leggett

About the Author

“Hunt the Straight Path Home” is author Rebekah Binkley Montgomery’s 9th book with four sequels to follow. She has been an international conference speaker and Bible teacher for more than 50 years. They have 3 living children and 3 living grandchildren. She and her high school sweetheart husband John, have been married for 52 years and live in Decatur, Indiana.